速報APP / 通訊 / Verified Est ID

Verified Est ID





版本需求:Android 4.2 以上版本




Verified Est ID(圖1)-速報App

It is an international identification that has a unique numerical alphabetical ID for each Establishment holder to verify their Establishment in a unique and trusted

way. It works closely with the International Standard Certificate Number “ISCN” whose role is to verify the Establishment of anyone who is applying to get an ID,

as a documentation for his/her Establishment , through our system. This ID is created using a certain algorithm that is aligned with an international unified system to

guarantee the uniqueness of this ID and the credibility of the Establishment . This ID is made in a way that makes it easy to be read and understood by

individuals and entities. It is composed of 3 integrated parts. The first part consists of 3 letters that indicate the country of the ID owner. The second part is an

abbreviation to the Establishment itself. The third part is the code that is given to the Establishment holder after verifying his/her Establishment with ISCN.

There is an electronic gateway that reads the ID and gives detailed information about the Establishment holder of this ID. Establishment holders can use this electronic

Verified Est ID(圖2)-速報App

gateway to build their own profile that has all their experiences, research and scientific works…etc. They also can continuously add to their profile and adjust

it the way they like. This provides a safe and documented platform through which each Establishment holder has an ID that gives free access to anyone

at any time to read all the information about the owner of this ID. It is attached to a certain QR that is easy to be read. This ID provides a solution

to the problem of fake and forged Establishments since Establishments are not published before verifying their credibility and integrity with the ISCN.

It also prevents the dispersion of all the scientific works around the world since it provides one platform that gathers all these works. Additionally,

it gives a unique ID for each one where no one else has this ID. Therefore, it solves the problem of similarity of names since personal names are not unique

and even the full name of one person could be written with different orders and abbreviations according to the norms and conventions of each country.

Accordingly, this unique ID can verify the credibility and integrity of Establishment holders and provides all their scientific works in no time.